Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Full Flame Film Series

Are you burning at FULL FLAME?? Or are you flickering a lil bit??? Well then, join John and me on Wednesday evenings beginning June 30 from 6:30-8pm. We will be hosting a film series with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke that will seriously fan the flame of our hearts towards our co-workers, neighbors and friends that are lost!!! Join Jesus at the crossroads between despair and delight..there isn't a moment to lose! Let's allow Jesus and His Spirit to stir compassion in our hearts. I will be saving you a seat.HELL SHOULD BE EMPTY AND HEAVEN SHOULD BE FULL. Are you with me? Julie

Encounter Weekend

Wondering who out there in cyber-land needs an Encounter with God?? Really we should call these FREEDOM WEEKENDS!!! SO who needs some freedom??? Freedom in your mind, thoughts? Freedom from pain, hurts, emotional wounds and unforgiveness? Freedom from fear, rejection,sin?? Well then July 16-18 is for you. If you cannot honestly say, I am free to love, live, worship, pray, forgive......then mark your calendar today. Any and all adults are welcome to attend...we will worship together and then move into Men and Women's groups for the teaching sessions. No one leaves these weekends unchanged. The Team is excited to lead this Encounter because we love God and we love to see His people encounter His great love and chain-breaking power!!! Email me today if you are ready...julwclark@aol.com.