Friday, May 21, 2010

Rejoice !

The Word of God says we are to REJOICE with those who rejoice ...and today is Johnny and Nicole's 5th Anniversary! SO we thank the Lord for HIs provision over and for their lives the past 5 years...they are the cutest couple, like two lil snuggly bugs, are they! And now, they snuggly with the cutest lil baby ever, Gatlyn Max...can there be toooo much cuteness in one family??? Well I thank the Lord for a young couple loving God, loving one another and living for the Great King. Julie

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Funny but true

The other morning i was off to a slow start. Prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to get me going. Looked outside and saw a chipmonk swimming for his life in the pool. It was early morning, raining and I was in my bathrobe, curlers and barefeet...but went running outside to rescue lil chipper! Grabbed the net , put it on the longer stick and chased chipper around the pool, only to fling him to safety on the lawn. Coaxing and cheering the stunned chipper over to the rockwall and hostas, i prodded him along as he was shivering and barely able to move. I cheered him up and over the wall!!! Victory! Went back into the house only to look out and see another chippy in the pool. Repeat the above, except with more intensity. This time i flung chipper number two a little harder onto the lawn and he seemed more than stunned. I kept watch on him chasing away the robins and crows. Covered him with leaves only to have him crawl out. I was amazed how quickly the prey came to check him out!! AS i was standing in the rain, freezing with my robe , curlers and barefeet, i was amazed at my energy for chipper one and chipper two. How much more so does God love us and how much greater the crowd of witnesses cheers us on each day..needless to say I was awake now. Thanks God. Julie

Emily's new cell

Launched another cell today!!! Very exciting!! Any young Moms out there looking for friendship and encouragement, find find Emily's info on the table in the foyer and join her on Thursday mornings at 10:30am. Kid friendly and Mommy strengthening!! Julie

Learning from my students

Tuesday night at cell, we were praying as a group and individually, to be more sensitive to the promptings of Holy Spirit. Our earnest desire was to be quickly obedient and responsive when the Lord nudges us to pray or do or go or say etc...Well Heather got the lesson and I missed it!! Shannon came into class last night in obvious pain in her back and my response was, oh we will pray for you before we leave tonight. WHen Heather learned of Shannon's pain, she responded quickly to Holy Spirit and asked her if she could pray right away. She did...and within moments later during class..i noticed Shannon was moving way more easily. I said something and she piped up...oh yes!!! Heather prayed for me and now i am perfectly fine and my back is great!!! Thanks Lord for teaching the students and humbling the assured God will accomplish HIs good pleasure with or without you!! HE will indeed find a willing heart to be used to love HIs people. A wonderful lesson for this old teacher. Thanks to Jesus our Master Teacher who never gives up on us!! Julie

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whom do you serve?

Just stop and ask yourself,"What do i think about more than anything else in this life?" You answer will probably tell you whom you are serving with your time and talents. Rick Renner WOW! As your Discipleship Pastor, I want all of Life Center thinking about Jesus and loving HIm, pleasing Him, serving HIm......all else follows after that. How we doin???? Julie