Thursday, May 13, 2010

Funny but true

The other morning i was off to a slow start. Prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to get me going. Looked outside and saw a chipmonk swimming for his life in the pool. It was early morning, raining and I was in my bathrobe, curlers and barefeet...but went running outside to rescue lil chipper! Grabbed the net , put it on the longer stick and chased chipper around the pool, only to fling him to safety on the lawn. Coaxing and cheering the stunned chipper over to the rockwall and hostas, i prodded him along as he was shivering and barely able to move. I cheered him up and over the wall!!! Victory! Went back into the house only to look out and see another chippy in the pool. Repeat the above, except with more intensity. This time i flung chipper number two a little harder onto the lawn and he seemed more than stunned. I kept watch on him chasing away the robins and crows. Covered him with leaves only to have him crawl out. I was amazed how quickly the prey came to check him out!! AS i was standing in the rain, freezing with my robe , curlers and barefeet, i was amazed at my energy for chipper one and chipper two. How much more so does God love us and how much greater the crowd of witnesses cheers us on each day..needless to say I was awake now. Thanks God. Julie

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