Wednesday, July 21, 2010


What a great week! The aroma of victory lingers from VBS each night; Moms and Dads actually playing with and enjoying their kids!! Imagine that! No fighting, screaming or yelling, only laughter and loving. Oh yes, there was some screaming when we were cheering for our families, or doing relay races or having water balloon tosses!! Then it was Encounter weekend, home of Freedom for the captives!! WOOHOO God is so faithful in that each time we host an ENCOUNTER God shows up in amazing ways; physical healings, forgiveness,deliverance,,,check out the video testimonies!! Journey classes keep rolling on Wednesday get with the program people. See what God is doing and become a part of the picture and not just in the stands!! Get a revelation of the Cross!! Julie

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This weekend is Freedom weekend for the Men and Women of Life Center.We began 2 years ago to hold Encounter Weekends and this is yet another opportunity for the doors to be closed on the devil, and to begin to Journey forward into the Freedom and abundance that Jesus died to give us!! Please pray throughout the weekend as the Holy Spirit directs you...and be sure to join us Sunday Morning at 10am to hear for yourself the Testimonies of God's powerful work!!!! Transformed lives = God present!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Full Flame Film Series

Are you burning at FULL FLAME?? Or are you flickering a lil bit??? Well then, join John and me on Wednesday evenings beginning June 30 from 6:30-8pm. We will be hosting a film series with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke that will seriously fan the flame of our hearts towards our co-workers, neighbors and friends that are lost!!! Join Jesus at the crossroads between despair and delight..there isn't a moment to lose! Let's allow Jesus and His Spirit to stir compassion in our hearts. I will be saving you a seat.HELL SHOULD BE EMPTY AND HEAVEN SHOULD BE FULL. Are you with me? Julie

Encounter Weekend

Wondering who out there in cyber-land needs an Encounter with God?? Really we should call these FREEDOM WEEKENDS!!! SO who needs some freedom??? Freedom in your mind, thoughts? Freedom from pain, hurts, emotional wounds and unforgiveness? Freedom from fear, rejection,sin?? Well then July 16-18 is for you. If you cannot honestly say, I am free to love, live, worship, pray, forgive......then mark your calendar today. Any and all adults are welcome to attend...we will worship together and then move into Men and Women's groups for the teaching sessions. No one leaves these weekends unchanged. The Team is excited to lead this Encounter because we love God and we love to see His people encounter His great love and chain-breaking power!!! Email me today if you are

Friday, May 21, 2010

Rejoice !

The Word of God says we are to REJOICE with those who rejoice ...and today is Johnny and Nicole's 5th Anniversary! SO we thank the Lord for HIs provision over and for their lives the past 5 years...they are the cutest couple, like two lil snuggly bugs, are they! And now, they snuggly with the cutest lil baby ever, Gatlyn Max...can there be toooo much cuteness in one family??? Well I thank the Lord for a young couple loving God, loving one another and living for the Great King. Julie

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Funny but true

The other morning i was off to a slow start. Prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to get me going. Looked outside and saw a chipmonk swimming for his life in the pool. It was early morning, raining and I was in my bathrobe, curlers and barefeet...but went running outside to rescue lil chipper! Grabbed the net , put it on the longer stick and chased chipper around the pool, only to fling him to safety on the lawn. Coaxing and cheering the stunned chipper over to the rockwall and hostas, i prodded him along as he was shivering and barely able to move. I cheered him up and over the wall!!! Victory! Went back into the house only to look out and see another chippy in the pool. Repeat the above, except with more intensity. This time i flung chipper number two a little harder onto the lawn and he seemed more than stunned. I kept watch on him chasing away the robins and crows. Covered him with leaves only to have him crawl out. I was amazed how quickly the prey came to check him out!! AS i was standing in the rain, freezing with my robe , curlers and barefeet, i was amazed at my energy for chipper one and chipper two. How much more so does God love us and how much greater the crowd of witnesses cheers us on each day..needless to say I was awake now. Thanks God. Julie

Emily's new cell

Launched another cell today!!! Very exciting!! Any young Moms out there looking for friendship and encouragement, find find Emily's info on the table in the foyer and join her on Thursday mornings at 10:30am. Kid friendly and Mommy strengthening!! Julie